Wednesday, May 8, 2013

After a long break - here are some catch-up images of what's happening at the gallery

The gallery has had many beautiful objects coming through it's doors lately - as always..... I need to have the time -to, really photograph the pieces to share on this blog.  As one sees, perusing through the past images on this blog - we exhibit objects that are old - from all over this extra-ordinary continent of ours - and contemporary objects that are made by urban and rural makers from mainly South Africa and it's neighboring countries.  I have selected some recent pieces that have made their way into the Gallery.  I hope they give you as much pleasure as they give me........

Beautiful Old Ceramic Vessel

The Art of drawing with old saftey-pins - textiles from Limpopo
the famous "Nceka" magical, and evocative.

 Old Kuba Raffia cloth dyed with  Indigo  from the D.R.C.
Contemporary Paper-Craft

 Nguni Bulls from Zimbabwe

 New Vessels by Clementina van der Walt
Ceramic Blocks by Hennie Meyer
 Old Indigo-Cotton Bou-Bou - Yoruba - Nigeria
Creatures made from Cotton - Contemporary Design 
Inspirational and Wacky......

1 comment:

Linda Starr said...

love the old ceramic vessel